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   Bioethics in Law & Culture                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Summer 2024      vol.  7  issue  3



A summary of state legislation - April 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024

Joe Kral, M.A.





IVF Shield Laws:

June 13, 2024 – Couples filed suit challenging the state’s new IVF Shield Law that protects IVF clinics when they negligently kill an IVF embryonic child.




Abortion Ban:


April 9, 2024 – The Arizona Supreme Court upheld the pre-Roe Abortion Ban.


April 25, 2024 – The Arizona House voted to repeal the pre-Roe Abortion Ban. This is the third attempt to do so. 


May 1, 2024 – The Arizona Senate voted to repeal the pre-Roe Abortion Ban.


May 2, 2024 – Governor Katie Hobbs signed the bill effectively repealing the law.




Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Funding:

April 25, 2024- The Arkansas House passed SB 64 which would provide $2 million in public funding to pro-life pregnancy centers within the state. The bill proceeds to Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her signature or veto.


Pro-Life Resolution:

April 16, 2024 – Saline County passed a resolution that opposes the ballot initiative that would enshrine abortion in the state constitution.


Constitutional Right to Abortion:

July 15, 2024 – The Arkansas Secretary of State has determined that there were not enough valid signatures on the petition drive to place an amendment enshrining abortion as a state constitutional right on the ballot.


July 17, 2024 – Arkansans for Limited Government filed suit against the Secretary of State for rejecting the petitions.


July 23, 2024 – The Arkansas Supreme Court has ordered the state to recount the signatures.




Arizona Abortionist Bill:

May 21, 2024 – The California Senate passed SB 233 which would allow Arizona abortionists to perform abortions within California. The bill now proceeds to the House for consideration.


May 23, 2024 – Governor Gavin Newsome has signed SB 233 into law.




Assisted Suicide:

June 5, 2024 – Governor Jared Polis signed SB 24-068 into law. This will expand the current assisted suicide law that will allow registered nurses to prescribe lethal doses.




Abortion Medicaid & Private Coverage

June 3, 2024 – The Delaware House passed HB 110, which mandates Medicaid and private insurance cover abortion costs. The bill now proceeds to the Senate for consideration.


June 27. 2024 – The Delaware Senate passed HB 110. The bill proceeds to Governor John Carney’s desk for his signature or veto.


Assisted Suicide:

April 18, 2024 – The Delaware House passed a bill that would legalize assisted suicide. The bill stipulates that a patient must be terminal (within 6 months), receive a second opinion about the prognosis, and have the capacity to make decisions. The bill proceeds to the Senate for consideration.


June 12, 2024 – A Delaware Senate committee passed the assisted suicide bill. It now proceeds to the Senate Floor for consideration.


June 25, 2024 – The Delaware Senate passed HB 140. The bill proceeds to the Governor’s desk for his signature or veto.




15-Week Abortion Ban and Fetal Heartbeat Law:

April 1, 2024 – The Florida Supreme Court ruled that the 15-week Abortion Ban was constitutional. As such, the new Fetal Heartbeat Law, which depended on the 15-week law being upheld, will now go into effect.




Parental Consent:

May 3, 2024 – A US District Court has struck down an Indiana law that mandates that a minor girl have parental consent before she receives information regarding out-of-state abortions.




Abortion as Emergency Care:

May 23, 2024 – The Illinois House passed HB 581, which mandates abortion as emergency stabilizing care for a pregnant woman. The bill now proceeds to the Senate for consideration.


Buffer Zone:

May 7, 2024 – The Chicago City Council Public Safety Committee passed a buffer zone ordinance. The bill will now proceed to the full city council.




Fetal Heartbeat Law:

 June 28, 2024 – The Iowa Supreme Court allowed the Fetal Heartbeat Law to go into effect.


July 17, 2024 – The ACLU filed for a rehearing of the Fetal Heartbeat Law.




Anti-Coercion Law:

April 1, 2024 – The Kansas Senate passed HB 2436. The bill would prohibit acts of coercing a woman into an abortion. It defines coercion as threats to physical or financial well-being. The bill proceeds to Governor Laura Kelly desk for her signature or veto.


April 12, 2024 – Governor Laura Kelly vetoed the measure.


April 29, 2024 – The Kansas House overrode the veto. The bill awaits action in the Senate.


April 29, 2024 – The Kansas Senate overrode the veto. The law will go into effect.


Unborn Child Support:

May 10, 2024 – Governor Laura Kelly vetoed a bill that would allow pregnant mothers to collect child support for their unborn children.




Forced Abortion Ban:

May 22, 2024 – The Louisiana House passed SB 276, 64-29. The bill makes abortion pill drugs a state-controlled substance. It also prohibits poising unsuspecting pregnant women with abortion pills.


May 25, 2024 – Governor Jeff Landry signed SB 276 into law.




Abortionist Protection Act:

April 10, 2024 – The Maine House passed legislation that would shield abortionists from violating other states’ pro-life laws. The bill proceeds to the Senate for consideration.


April 22, 2024 – Governor Janet Mills signed the bill into law.


Constitutional Right to Abortion:

April 9, 2024 – The Maine Senate failed to obtain the two-thirds majority that was needed to pass LD 277 which would have put the question to voters if abortion should be enshrined in the state constitution.




Hospital Emergency Abortions:

June 26, 2024 – Governor Maura Healey issued an executive order directing hospitals to provide emergency abortions to women who have a life-threatening condition or are facing “serious health” risks.




Informed Consent/Physicians Only Law:

June 25, 2024 – A Michigan judge placed a preliminary injunction on the state’s pro-life informed consent law, including the 24-hour waiting period, and the ban on advanced practice clinicians from performing abortions.


Repeal of Commercial Surrogacy Ban:

April 1, 2024 – Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed legislation that repeals the ban on commercial surrogacy.




Abortion Ban:

June 18, 2024 – A Missouri judge dismissed a case challenging the state’s Abortion Ban. Plaintiffs argued that the bill is religious because it states life begins at conception.


Defunding Abortion Industry:

April 26, 2024 – The Missouri Legislature passed HB 2634, which would prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid reimbursements. The bill proceeds to Governor Mike Parson for his signature or veto.


May 9, 2024 – Governor Mike Parson signed HB 2634.




Constitutional Right to Abortion:

May 19, 2024 – The Senate did not pass SF37 which would have had the voters within the state vote on a ballot initiative to enshrine abortion in the state constitution.




Constitutional Right to Abortion:

April 1, 2024 – A pro-abortion group sued the Montana Attorney General for his updated language on a proposed ballot initiative to enshrine abortion in the state’s constitution. The Montana Attorney General’s language specifies what would happen if the so-called right to abortion is enshrined whereas the original language did not.


April 3, 2024 – The Montana Supreme Court drafted language for the ballot initiative and sent it to the Secretary of State for approval. The Secretary can decline and send it to the legislature. Furthermore, the Attorney General has expressed concerns regarding the Court's language.




12-Week Abortion Ban:

July 26, 2024 – The Nebraska Supreme Court upheld the 12-week Abortion Ban.




Constitutional Right to Abortion:

April 19, 2024 – The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that a ballot initiative may move forward. The initiative seeks to enshrine abortion within the state constitution.


June 28, 2024 – The State of Nevada has officially confirmed there are enough signatures on the petition to allow it to be placed on the November ballot.



New Hampshire

Abortion Statistics:

April 3, 2024 – The Senate Judiciary Committee passed an amendment that would require abortion clinics to report the age and residency of the patient along with the abortion method used. The legislation now goes to the full Senate for consideration.


April 12, 2024 – The New Hampshire Senate passed the legislation. It now moves to the House for consideration.


Abortion Trafficking:

June 20, 2024 – The New Hampshire Senate passed HB 1312. The bill would prohibit teachers from trafficking minor girls to get secret abortions. The bill now goes to the governor’s desk for his signature or veto.



New York

Abortion Coverage:

May 21, 2024 – New York’s highest court ruled that religious employers can be forced to pay for abortion coverage for their employees. The Diocese of Albany, who brought the suit, is planning to appeal to the US Supreme Court.


Constitutional Right to Abortion:

May 7, 2024 – New York Supreme Court Judge Daniel J Doyle blocked a ballot measure from appearing on the November ballot that would enshrine abortion in the state constitution. The ruling details how the legislature improperly followed procedure, thereby nullifying its passage.


June 18, 2024 – A New York appellate court overturned the lower court decision.



North Carolina

Abortion Pill Regulations:

June 4, 2024 – A federal judge ruled that the state’s law requiring an in-person doctor visit to obtain abortion drugs was unconstitutional.




Informed Consent:

April 1, 2024 – Planned Parenthood and the ACLU filed suit in Ohio challenging the state’s informed consent law, which would inform women of the risks of abortion, fetal development, and alternatives available to them.


TeleMed Abortion Ban:

May 10, 2024 – The ACLU and Planned Parenthood filed suit challenging the state’s TeleMed Abortion Ban. The law prohibits the use of telemedicine to prescribe abortion pills.




Abortion Trafficking Prohibition:

April 26, 2024 – The Tennessee Senate concurred with the House amendment and passed SB 1971. The bill would prohibit the trafficking of minor girls across state lines for secret abortions. The bill proceeds to Governor Bill Lee’s desk for his signature or veto.


May 28, 2024 – Governor Bill Lee signed SB 1971 into law.


June 24, 2024 – A suit was filed by a Democrat lawmaker and a Nashville attorney challenging the constitutionality of the law.


Baby Olivia Bill:

April 25, 2024 – Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed HB 2435 into law. The law stipulates that high school and middle school students learn about the development of the unborn child through a series of videos.




Sanctuary City/County for the Unborn:

April 10, 2024 – The City of Muenster passed, 5-0, a Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance. The new law will prohibit abortion trafficking and prohibit abortions on the residents regardless of the location of the abortion. The law also contains a private enforcement mechanism.


April 22, 2024 – Jack County passed a Sanctuary County for the Unborn Ordinance. The new law will prohibit abortion trafficking and prohibit abortions on the residents regardless of the location of the abortion. The law also contains a private enforcement mechanism.


May 9, 2024 – The City of Clarendon, defeated, 3-0, the proposed Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance.




Pro-Life Free Speech:

June 25, 2024 – A federal court allowed a suit to move forward. The suit, brought by NIFLA, challenges the state law that censors pro-life pregnancy centers from advertising and their ability to speak about life-affirming options.




Abortionist Shield Law:

April 8, 2024 – Governor Youngkin vetoed legislation that would have shielded the state’s abortionists from violating other state’s pro-life laws.




Abortion Ban and Abortion Pill Prohibition:

April 10, 2024 – The Wyoming Supreme Court declined to rule on both the Abortion Ban and the Abortion Pill Ban. As a result, the case is back in the trial court for consideration.



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