Federal Briefs
Bioethics in Law & Culture Summer 2020 vol. 3 issue 3
Federal Government activity from April 1 to June 30, 2020
Ana Brennan, J.D.
Another few, slow months for life issues in Congress. The Hyde Amendment remained intact through the appropriation process. Another victory keeping government (our) money out of the abortion business. Unfortunately, H.R. 1425, the State Health Care Premium Reduction Act, passed the House on June 29, 2020, and was sent to the Senate on June 30, 2020. The purpose of this bill is to expand Obamacare funding in the states as well as price controls on prescriptions. This funding bill does not contain language prohibiting funding of abortion, and could be a threat to the Hyde Amendment. There are also concerns about rationing drugs under the price controls in this bill.